Both kids continue to progress well in all areas. I'd say one of the biggest challenges is sibling rivalry between Elizabeth and Levi. They also spur one another on though, so there is some benefit to it, when tweaked appropriately :) Because I am home full time and Drew works 6 days a week, they have definitely taken a larger preference for me. They still are excited when Drew comes home and are happy to play with him and be around him, but I am their first choice in general. I think this is natural. Levi is going to Drew with less fussing, though still would prefer me, he has learned Baba has some good things to offer too.
They have both been eating a few more things. On vacation, they both ate a grilled cheese sandwich and BBQ (not together, although, that might be good). They still eat noodles or rice for probably one meal a day. Elizabeth is still less willing to eat vegetables and Levi less willing to eat as many fruits as Elizabeth. They both had cake and ice cream for Levi's second birthday. Levi tasted vanilla and chocolate and definitely preferred chocolate. They prefer to drink from open cups and drink little from sippy cups.
Both have maintained very active routines. They love the summer activities of the water table and baby pool, swinging and the trampoline. They love to go on walks, though prefer to be strolled or carried for much of it. Sometimes, Elizabeth will ride the tricycle for part of the walk when the Bigs are riding their bikes. While I haven't seen as huge of gains in gross motor skills this month, they have definitely maintained the activities of skills that have been emerging. And language has been progressing more this month. They both still use some signs to communicate. Levi will mimic much of what we say and repeat things we try to get him to say. Elizabeth is doing that but also spontaneously saying words and some phrases. Now, when we tell her something, she will respond "OK". And by her tone, you can definitely tell if it's a good "OK" or a bad "OK" (sign, huff). She will yell "Hello" to most people we pas on the street and get progressively louder if they do not answer her. Her words now include: eat, drink, please, more, all done, love you "lub you", MAMA/BABA, No, outside, swing, water, noodles (but it always sounds like she's saying noodles too), beep beep, car, walk, shoes, diaper, potty, all of our names, sleep, walk, one-two-three, hi/bye, boat, my turn. Levi has a lot of spontaneous jargon and imitates a lot of what we say but is not yet up to all that Elizabeth has started to say.
They are both so inquisitive. Elizabeth continues to be independent and wanting to do things herself. She can now get her diaper off and PJs on by herself. She has some trouble getting shirts on and off but shoes are a breeze :) She loves to brush her teeth, BY HERSELF, no help thanks, mom! She likes to color and draw circles and attempt squares.
She loves to do puzzles and this month has started to sit long enough to look through books. She get so excited and brings me one after another to look through and sometimes read most of. Her favorite so far is "Never tease a weasel". You can just see her eyes dart all over the pages as she takes in all the details. When she is excited she yells "yeah" and jumps. Levi also is showing an interest in books. He doesn't sit quite as long as Elizabeth has started to and tolerates less reading but loves, loves the pictures and helping turn the pages. They both love to do the shape sorter, though Levi gets frustrated more quickly than Elizabeth and she is now able to put all the shapes in. Levi has mastered the circle and square.
Levi has been cutting his eye teeth and has had some cranky days! The picture below is how I have coped some days. I felt like I was always picking Levi up first because he fusses louder and throws a bigger fit to get to me. So, I decided to wear them both. And I put Elizabeth in front for the connecting and Levi was content to just be up with me.
The bigs continue to seem to be adjusting really well. Evan has really stepped up. He has always been good with little kids and I knew he would love them. But he really initiates caring for them and watching out for them more than I thought he would. And it shows in their relationship too because they come running to him! Anna has also been a huge help, I think she gets frustrated sometimes because she wants to hold them more than they want, they get upset because they want me and she wants them to want her more than they do. She's definitely a little mother and gives them instruction well and guides them in communicating what they want with patience. Rebecca enjoys them and is frequently saying "Aww, aren't they just adorable". She does get frustrated easily if they get in her things, which is a learning curve for everyone, we knew of course was coming. I think she may take a Little pleasure in correcting them and having the chance to feel in charge since she's been the baby until now. However, it's been made clear from the beginning she will always be the biological baby and nothing can change that. Well, I suppose God could make that happen, but there's a REALLY good chance it's not going to be possible and definitely not in our plans :)
We have stayed home a lot it feels like, not really isolating ourselves, just so much to do around here and trying to keep to somewhat of a routine. We have gone to a spray park, which all the kids loved. I attempted to take them all to the dollar summer movies at the theater...... um, that won't happen again , heehee. The littles and I spent our time out in the hallway. I thought I had planned it right they might fall asleep during the show, no such luck.
OK, I give up on trying to add the pictures from vacation. That will have to be a separate post. If I don't get this up soon, I won't finish...... more to say, little time to add :) Life is good; busy, fulfilling, exhausting, draining, funny, frustrating and the best kind of wonderful.